How to Maintain Porcelain Veneers in Tomball

July 13, 2017

Filed under: Cosmetic Dentistry — Tags: — tomballdentists @ 7:36 pm

Get a flawless smile with porcelain veneers in Tomball.Are you ready to finally invest in your smile with porcelain veneers in Tomball? That is great! You are making an excellent decision. By placing the thin shells on the front side of the teeth, cosmetic flaws are instantly hidden to give you a flawless appearance. This provides a high-quality solution that looks natural using a minimally invasive procedure. You will achieve long-term results to ensure that your confidence lasts. However, to maintain your new smile, you must care for the veneers properly. To help you promote their longevity, Dr. James Geer has the information you need to keep smiling brightly.

Why Tomball dental implants ideally replace missing teeth

February 3, 2016

Filed under: Cosmetic Dentistry,Uncategorized — tomballdentists @ 6:38 pm

Tomball dental implantsDental implants from Tomball dentist, James Geer, replace teeth with stability and beauty. Learn details about these amazing prosthetics.

No tooth replacement option works as well as the modern dental implant. Expertly placed by Tomball dentist, Dr. James Geer, these artificial teeth reside in the patient’s jaw bone, providing a secure foundation for healthy chewing and speaking and for outstanding aesthetics. (more…)

The Cosmetic Dentist in Tomball, TX, wants to see You Smile

January 26, 2016

Filed under: Cosmetic Dentistry,Uncategorized — Tags: , , — tomballdentists @ 9:25 pm

cosmetic dentistSmile and the whole world smiles with you—or so the saying goes. But what if you don’t want to smile? Not because you’re unhappy, but because you’d rather no one see the condition of your teeth. That’s no reason not to smile! With cosmetic dentistry you can have a smile that really will make the whole world want to smile right along with you. Your Tomball cosmetic dentist, James Geer understand that a beautiful smile is more than a pretty accessory—it can change your life. Therefore, our dental practice offers a number of cosmetic dentistry treatments.